"3wifya" – 2D Animation, Episode 1: A Jinn’s Story Begins
In the first episode of the 2D animated series, “3wifya”, the jinn introduces himself and his world. Tasked by Satan to cause mischief during Ramadan—a time when jinns are traditionally locked away according to Islamic beliefs—3wifya must navigate his own destiny. Through vibrant animation and compelling storytelling, this episode sets the stage for a mystical journey, giving viewers a glimpse into the jinn’s internal conflict and the challenges ahead. This introduction offers a deep dive into jinn folklore with a modern twist, blending elements of suspense and spirituality in an unforgettable animated experience.
In my role on the project, I crafted detailed and dynamic frame-by-frame animations to enhance the storytelling. This meticulous approach to animation helped bring the narrative to life, adding depth and vibrancy to the series and significantly contributing to its overall visual impact.